This web site has no affiliation with FedEx Ground, FedEx, or any of it’s other businesses. The only association is that I have worked for a FedEx Ground Contractor in the past.
I decided to start this site after experiencing some difficulty in locating other contractors in other areas of the country. My first thought was just to check with the local FedEx Ground offices to locate contractors. Some of the offices offered assistance but most of the offices just suggested to set up a profile on, which I did. Eighteen months later and I have not received a single notice about a FedEx Ground contractor looking for drivers. The only notices that I have received are from FedEx Ground looking for Package Handlers and Switcher Operators.
I hope that this site assists you in making contact with a contractor in the area that you are looking.
If you are a FedEx Ground Contractor and would like your company information included, please click HERE.